ML Seminar #30

Robust estimation of a regression function in exponential families Speaker: Juntong Chen (Faculty of Science, Technology […]

ML Seminar #29

Leveraging Deep Learning-Assisted Attacks against Image Obfuscation via Federated Learning Speaker: Jimmy Tekli (BMW Group & […]

ML Seminar #28

Neural network supported surrogate models for particle-laden flow Speaker: Fateme Darlik (Faculty of Science Technology and […]

ML Seminar #27

A classification of machine learning approaches for the social and health sciences Speaker: Anja Leist (Department […]

ML Seminar #26

Acceleration of CFD calculations using Reduced Order Modeling. Application in CVD processes Speaker: Pavlos Gkinis (National […]

ML Seminar #25

Some applications of deep learning from image security, to medical image, through IoT physiological signal […]

ML Seminar #24

Multiscale Poro-Hyperelasticity using ANNs Speaker: Hamidreza Dehghani (Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine; University of Luxembourg)Title: Multiscale […]

ML Seminar #23

Probabilistic modeling and identification of intercorrelated random fields with bounds: Application to linear elastic struts […]

ML Seminar #22

Predicting air pollution using remote sensing and sensors measurement Speaker: Hichem Omrani (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic […]

ML Seminar #21

An Industry view on ML: CERATIZIT technology landscape and the art of collaborating with an […]